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      the story of HER

      PG|2024|Daratan/Tiongkok|Total 4 EP|History · Biography

      The Story of HER is a grand theatrical production recounting the extraordinary stories of four legendary women from ancient China. Each episode focuses on different aspects of their lives, including Princess Jieyou, Wu Zetian, Li Qingzhao, and Shen.

      The show integrates historical records to analyze the political, economic, cultural, and social conditions faced by women at the time.

      Filmed in a docudrama style, the show invites actresses Lan Xi, Wen Zhengrong, Tao Xinran, and Cao Feiran to perf

      Direkomendasikan untukmu

      Rasa Kebahagiaan

      Panduan Hidangan Laut

      Malam Terliar, Keakraban Terhangat


      Menjelajahi Ragam Kuliner di Sepanjang Sungai Zi

      Sentuhan Manusia di Dunhuang

      Selamat Pagi, Dunia


      Flavor Exploration Journey of Chen Xiaoqing


      Rasa Surgawi yang Menggugah Selera


      Kisah Malam: Hidangan Terlezat di Kota
